How to begin using .Net in C/AL?

So you have a problem and you have found a package on Nuget that might just fix it for you in no time. Where to start?

Lets presume I want a QR generator, I want to create custom QR codes for documents or items. It could be a link to the data sheet, and you want it on your company web page or Item card for easy access for technicians.

They might find the item on a PC but need the drawings later at the machine. So they find it and scan the code, which triggers a download of the PDF data sheet, so they have it offline. There are multiple uses for this. I am not here for the why, just the how.

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NAV as a MQTT client

Borrowed fro

What is MQTT (Message Queues)? Well I could write up and down about just that subject, but other people have done that before and are properly better at explaining it than me. Google it (Heck use Bing if you are feeling lucky today).

Lazy? Okay then. It is a small footprint protocol on top of the TCP/IP protocol and is for sending information. Mostly used on embedded devices (IoT) where CPU power is limited. You can not have an Intel octa-core powerhouse, when it has to run for a year on a coincell battery.

REST is not an option, it is way to resource heavy for simple sensor data.

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